The Politicians Get It Wrong Again

Well, another month, another mass shooting. And the politicians once again fall all over themselves telling the American sheeple that its all the fault of poor gun control. As if there’s a bunch of feral semi-automatics that have slipped their leash and are walking around by themselves needing to be rounded up by the humane society to be put to sleep. While the back pocket of the crazy person that the gun is hanging out of has nothing to do with it.

This may be an old saying but I’m going to keep saying this until someone hears it. Guns don’t kill people! Crazy people kill people! […]

Donald Trump Is Saving Our Democracy — NYMag

I found this excellent article worth reading. Trump is fulfilling the purpose I expected from him some months ago. He is showing the ludicrousness of the simple popularity poll most call the presidential election.  Please take some time to check out the following link.

Far from destroying it, he’s exposing all its phoniness and corruption in ways as serious as he is not. And changing it in the process.

Source: Donald Trump Is Saving Our Democracy — NYMag