Artistic Technology

Some time ago I told you about a method of cutting the cord of cable TV by building a home made television antenna. This first version used cardboard, duct tape and tin foil and worked really well. As you could see from the pictures back then it wasn’t very aesthetically pleasing. Well, this has changed since my wife got involved with her newest endeavor.


Will You Be Assimilated?

For years I’ve been warning you about the dangers and futility of social media. I have t-shirts in my shop, some of them the very first designs, that talk about what is really the product in the Facebook world. Finally the truth has come out – read about it in mainstream media – and for some reason you are all surprised that you and all the personal information that you posted have been used as the product.


My Reusable Christmas List

I’ve seen a lot of changes of the Christmas holiday through the years and some things that never change. Every year people still complain about the lack of religion in the holiday but this is the first year I’ve heard of a mall offering “Selfies with Santa”.

Santa has never thought me a good enough boy to get everything I wanted even though I’ve been using the same Christmas list for over a half century. Granted the meanings of the items have changed over the years but I think its still the same basic list. I’ll let you decide. Old pictures are on the left, updated list items on the right. […]