The Late Summer Blues

Yeah, I’ve sorta taken a break from writing. The fact is that there hasn’t been much to tell and I was in and out of such a dark mood I was afraid that if I did write something, just for the sake of writing, I’d hear the voice of Edgar Allen Poe screeching, “Hey dude, Lighten up!” Maybe the appointment I have to get my teeth cleaned on Thursday will brighten my mood. […]

The Greenhouse Incident

Sometimes my wife Snowball’s projects don’t even sneak up and build slowly, they explode fully grown from the start. An example of this is the hobby greenhouse that we have. Pearl Harbor could not have surprised me more than what happened on a late spring day many years ago. We were sitting on the front porch enjoying a refreshing beverage. As the UPS truck pulls up Snowball says, “Oh that must be the greenhouse I ordered.” This being the first I had heard of any plans for a greenhouse, my mouth opened but no words came out. I just walked over to the truck and helped the somewhat overwhelmed delivery guy haul four 200-pound boxes to the garage.


Careful What You Wish For

After all his whining and kvetching about the cold winter and making such a big deal about spring and baseball finally being here, now my ape-who-brings-food is too busy working in the yard to write an article. So he asked me to put down a few words. I hope my ape likes the nice selfie I used for the featured image. I took it while I was sunning myself on his neighbor’s bench. […]

Some Signs of Spring

I’m sure I’m not alone this year when I say “I hate winter.” But I did find something about the freezing carnage to like. Winter is the great equalizer. Everyone’s yard is covered with snow. You can’t tell who has the worst kept blue grass, who planted the prettiest impatiens or who has the most dried up hostas. Not only that but everyone’s car is the same color. We’re all driving around in the same drab, grey, salt-licks on wheels. Even the rust around the wheel wells has taken on the same dull white hue. […]