The Late Summer Blues

Yeah, I’ve sorta taken a break from writing. The fact is that there hasn’t been much to tell and I was in and out of such a dark mood I was afraid that if I did write something, just for the sake of writing, I’d hear the voice of Edgar Allen Poe screeching, “Hey dude, Lighten up!” Maybe the appointment I have to get my teeth cleaned on Thursday will brighten my mood. […]

Careful What You Wish For

After all his whining and kvetching about the cold winter and making such a big deal about spring and baseball finally being here, now my ape-who-brings-food is too busy working in the yard to write an article. So he asked me to put down a few words. I hope my ape likes the nice selfie I used for the featured image. I took it while I was sunning myself on his neighbor’s bench. […]

Waiting For Spring Weather Sucks

EDITOR’S NOTE: This week I don’t have anything publishable to say so I’ve brought in a guest writer. Griffin works for me as chief vermin chaser and sand box fertilizer. He has a very unique view of the world I hope you enjoy as much as I do.


First of all let me tell you about myself. My two apes-who-bring-food rescued me from the pound about a year ago. I’m mostly Egyptian Mau. I have coal-black fur except for about twenty white hairs on my belly which my female ape thinks “Are just so cute.” […]