The officers of the Omaha Police department put down a 120 pound cougar in west Omaha. I understand why they felt they had to euthanize the cat. I don’t agree with it, but I see their POV about public safety.The KMTV report just after this word from their sponsor
But I see a huge chasm between the thought patterns of officers between how to control a situation involving a human law-breaker and an animal trespasser, which let’s face it trespassing was the cougar’s only offense.
If an uninvited human would have been discovered hanging out in the same area, the first thing that would have happened is all the nearby establishments and institutions would have been put into lockdown. There is no mention of this happening. If it had there would have been less need to worry about a tranquilized animal hurting someone while the drugs took effect.
Also why did it take three officers twenty shots to “euthanize” the animal. This looked to me like taking advantage of a situation to get in a little target practice in the fresh air instead of the gun range at headquarters. Are there no sharpshooters in the Omaha Police Department? Or is that becoming a lost art.
All I’m saying is that it’s time we started using the same consideration for all the other living creatures that we use for humans. This animal was suffering the pain of a broken leg. It was frightened in an unfamiliar place. We need to start looking at things from the animals point of view and not just think of creatures as a problem that needs to be cleaned up. After all, they were here first.
Well its all a done deal now and to bring awareness to the idea and extending the “Lives Matter” meme I have created this t-shirt in my shop. Click on it to see more.