Careful What You Wish For

After all his whining and kvetching about the cold winter and making such a big deal about spring and baseball finally being here, now my ape-who-brings-food is too busy working in the yard to write an article. So he asked me to put down a few words. I hope my ape likes the nice selfie I used for the featured image. I took it while I was sunning myself on his neighbor’s bench. […]

Waiting For Spring Weather Sucks

EDITOR’S NOTE: This week I don’t have anything publishable to say so I’ve brought in a guest writer. Griffin works for me as chief vermin chaser and sand box fertilizer. He has a very unique view of the world I hope you enjoy as much as I do.


First of all let me tell you about myself. My two apes-who-bring-food rescued me from the pound about a year ago. I’m mostly Egyptian Mau. I have coal-black fur except for about twenty white hairs on my belly which my female ape thinks “Are just so cute.” […]

Some Signs of Spring

I’m sure I’m not alone this year when I say “I hate winter.” But I did find something about the freezing carnage to like. Winter is the great equalizer. Everyone’s yard is covered with snow. You can’t tell who has the worst kept blue grass, who planted the prettiest impatiens or who has the most dried up hostas. Not only that but everyone’s car is the same color. We’re all driving around in the same drab, grey, salt-licks on wheels. Even the rust around the wheel wells has taken on the same dull white hue. […]