Loving This Time of Year

It’s late fall and the early morning grass is covered in frost. The sun stays low in the sky even at noon and it never really warms us.

Coats and sweaters hide (somewhat) the fact that we never worked on our summer tan or lost those extra pounds trying to look good in a swim suit. The gnats, flys, spiders and mosquitoes have all either gone to hibernate or fly around that great, muddy water puddle in the sky. […]

Insurance Claim

Extent of Injuries: Sprained ankle, numerous cuts and contusions.

Cause of Injuries: Fall from step ladder.

Circumstances of injuries: The unusually nice weather encouraged me to clean the leaves from the gutters on the garage. This hadn’t been done in several years so there was a large accumulation of dead leaves and rotted mulch in addition to the fresh leaves from this year. As a result it was necessary to climb the ladder and use a hand trowel to dig the muck out of the gutter. […]

Birthday Reflections

Today is my birthday. At my age birthdays merely become days of reflection. When a person is young, a birthday means parties and presents. As you reach my age presents become redundant because after all what do you get a man who has everything. And parties are no big thing because frankly it took all of my stamina to stay up late enough to see the Cubs receive the Major League Trophy early this morning. […]